Sunday, 27 March 2011

Palm Tops

After two excellent weeks at Novelda it was time to move down the road about 30 km to 'the big house' for the RockFax/UKC jolly.
As the team were arriving latish Saturday we got some staples in and started to explore the local area. It is very different to the Elda area, markedly warmer down here at sea-level and with palm trees everywhere.
The first days venue was Reconco, a bit breezy but excellent, many routes ticked. The keen team relocated to Penas Roges but we headed for home - no point in over doing things!
Wednesday: Dave Gregory arrived early after a 6:00 am flight, and we nipped up to Marin to do a couple of easy multi-pitch routes to open his account. It was pretty hot up there!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Life's a Beach

So far the crag photograph/climbing has gone pretty well, so we decided a rest day was on the cards. We headed to the seaside and walked a couple of miles along a magnificent beach, there were a scattering of folks around (including a few old fat guys with no clothes on) but all in all it was pretty quite considering that
a) it was glorious
b) it was Saturday
c) it was a local holiday.

This is five minutes from Alicante airport - very nice too.

Back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Spain Again

Almost four years gone and we are back on the Blanca. Last time was the 1st of our 'Winters Away' - we spent three and a half months at Denia, it certainly gave us a taste for getting out of the UK for the dark months.
The current Blanca guidebook will sell out in about a year's time so we thought it a good excuse for revisiting the area where it all began - an amazing 24 years ago - and getting a heads start. I did six routes at Marin that I hadn't done before which was great; though any fitness - and thick finger skin - that I developed on Kalymnos has long gone!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

New Boots and Panties

Three weeks to the day since we got home and today was only the 2nd time the sun shone! Time is getting pretty tight for the final few crag-shots for Peak Limestone, but the forecast better, we might make just make it - Dovedale and Chee Dale beckon.
I needed some new rock shoes so popped over to Outside. Stanage was pretty busy but the Burbage area was mobbed. In the end I couldn't decide between the Evolves, 5.10s and Mad Rocks, so I bought them all! I also picked up a copy of the new Stetind Area guide - interesting stuff.
A couple of nice days helped, excellent light and early starts means most of the crag shots are in the bag now. Paddling the river in Cheedale was a 'cool' experience, I got some strange looks!

Cyprus - Just About Done Again

Middle of winter - but not too shoddy  Seven weeks on Cyprus and just one more to go. As ever it has been easy living considering we are her...