Friday, 17 September 2021

Brexit Bollies and Options Galore

Rovinj - Croatia
 We arrived in Europe about eight weeks ago which means that we have already used up 2/3 of our allotted time in the Schengen Area - what a pain! We visited the Spanish and the French Pyrenees, the Briançon and Maurienne areas and Arco/Lake Garda in Italy.

And then - far too soon, it was time to exit Schengen - saving about 30 days of our entitlement in case we want to visit Kalymnos in the autumn, or if we need to head back to the UK.

So we got all our documents in order and rolled up to the Croatian border - where precisily nothing was checked, no passport stamps, no questions asked - all a bit of a surprise.

First impressions are favourable, everbody speaks English, the cost of living is cheap, the place is very civilised and there is some half-decent climbing. 

We have three months at our disposal, so we intend to explore the place from end to end climbing along the way.

After three months we can dip back into the Schengen area or head to another of the countries that are in the EU but not in Schegen - Hungary, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Or even visit the Balkan states.

So in many respects Brexit has been a sorry mess, but it has thrown up new options and tempted us to new places, which is the real positive to have come out of it - thanks Boris and your bunch of charlatans.

Back to Cyprus

Winter sunset from our pad in Chloraka  Despite having a six month French Visa which runs up to next April we still short of Schengen time b...