Thursday, 31 August 2023

Ready for Off

Last stop in Norway - Thorbjørn's cabin at Riksgransen
Norway was great, the weather was kind, things were cheaper than we expected and we got all the photos we needed - the drone was a massive help with that job. I actually managed to crash it for the first time, clipping the tip of tree on the way into land. It was a spectacular tumble through the tree and down a rubble bank. Fortunately damage was pretty minimal - a split blade and a couple of scuffs - though my ego took more of a battering.

Then it was a three plane hop back to the UK to get ready for our upcoming trip to France and make use of our 180 day visa.

Back to the Peak - at least it isn't raining - for now
I actually went climbing with Colin after a break of 67 days which may never have happened in the past 50+ years. Of course it was hard work, but there is still a glow in the embers of enthusiasm - let's see what France brings

Monday, 7 August 2023

Back Up North

The view from the cabin - northern sunset and cruise liner

 After seven weeks in the UK we filnally got back on the road - taxi to Manchester, flight to Stockholm, swap planes - though it was actually the same one - then up to Kiruna in Arctic Sweden. The two days we were there it pretty much rained all the time - but at least we were away! Then it was up through the mountains, over the border and down into Norway - the weather improved all the way and we were soon established in Thorbjørn's superb cabin just west of Narvik. 

The magnificent Eidetind
A few days in and we have photoed several of the cliffs in the Narvik area - the current book has been out of print for about six years - and some of the peaks around Eidfjord - all for the next edition of the Lofoten guidebook which we hope to have out in time for next season.

Cyprus - Just About Done Again

Middle of winter - but not too shoddy  Seven weeks on Cyprus and just one more to go. As ever it has been easy living considering we are her...