Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Back to the Ariège

Almost a week in the UK then it was off again - a horrendous drive through the UK's choked roads in the pissing rain (a truly unpleasant experience) saw us to Porthsmouth. A choppy crossing got us into St Malo for dawn then it was a steady eight hours on the French motorway system (a joy) and just before dusk we were back - White Cat even met us in the car park with an indignant "and where do you think you have you been".
A couple of weeks in and it has been the same as ever; a pleasant and mellow place to be. There was a big fall of snow 10 days before we arrived, but since then it has been mostly dry and bright. We climbed, walked, snowshoed and had a bit of downtime.
It is good to be back.

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Cyprus - Just About Done Again

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