Saturday, 9 February 2008

Halfway to Somewhere

Seven weeks gone and seven more to go - how time flies, especially when the weather is as good as it has been recently. Apart from a nagging aching wrist that I can't shake off (arthritis?) things have been pretty good, the current almost daily activity is searching the the local hills for wood to keep the stove going! That and walks in the Esterel or along the coastal paths that run in both direction from St Rafeal.
We had a slight shock yesterday when Alan informed me that the binders our printers uses had gone bust - Northern England should have been there this week, though unfortunately (!) there was a last minute delay due to the paper not having arrived from Spain - phew!

Thorbjørn arrives this week for a few days to proof the Lofoten manuscript, Alan has only had it for a few days and already it is looking quite superb. Then Dave Greg is back for another week on the rock - I better get the wrist sorted.
Then of course there is the big question of where to go next - Sherri has no job to go back too - so hey-ho!

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Cyprus - Just About Done Again

Middle of winter - but not too shoddy  Seven weeks on Cyprus and just one more to go. As ever it has been easy living considering we are her...