Saturday, 24 October 2009

New Arrivals

After a night in Manchester airport Colin and Mark zoomed in - they made the ferry with five minutes to spare, so rather than slob around we nipped out and cracked of a quick four at Sea Breeze to celebrate. Thursday was a bit breezy so we visited the sheltered cliffs at Dolphin Bay. Myself and Dave did a pleasant six - Colin and Mark excelled themselves with a round dozen!
A celebratory meal over on Telendos was very pleasant and the ferry ride back through the dark, with Pink Floyd pumping out on the stereo - pure magic.

1 comment:

andysomething said...

Looks like the The Hat is still Rocking All over the World.....

Back to Cyprus

Winter sunset from our pad in Chloraka  Despite having a six month French Visa which runs up to next April we still short of Schengen time b...